
Site Specific Standard’s for Benzene and Benzo(a)pyrene

Algoma received Site Specific Standard’s for Benzene and Benzo(a)pyrene from the Ministry of Environment.  These alternate standards were accompanied by a continuous improvement action plan to reduce these emissions from the cokemaking and affiliated processes. These measures align with action plans to address new limits that came into force in 2016.  It is estimated that the emissions of these chemicals have been reduced by 80 to 90 percent over the past three years.

Site Specific Standard for Particulate

Algoma received a Site Specific Standard for Particulate from the Ministry of Environment.  This alternate standard was accompanied by a continuous improvement action plan to reduce particulate emissions which focuses on cokemaking operations. These proactive measures align with action plans to address new limits that came into force in 2016.

Reducing Road Dust

Algoma has launched an aggressive campaign to reduce particulate emissions.  Of note, in 2000, the leading source of particulate from the steelworks was road dust.  In an effort to curb this source, we introduced a road dust reduction program designed to reduce airborne particulates from roadways by implementing a rigorous paving schedule combined with the use of dust suppressants.  Since the end of 2015, over 40,000 m2 of roadway have been paved within the steelworks.  In addition,  the implementation of an ongoing road maintenance program, the use of approved dust suppressants on non-paved roadways and regular street cleaning with flusher and vacuum sweeper trucks there has been significant reductions of particulate release from roadways.

In addition, as part of a site wide aesthetic revival, targeted landscaping of open areas through the planting of trees, grass and flower gardens has helped to reduce the amount of air-born dust stirred up by prevailing winds and material movement. In 2011, a surface area of approximately 50,000 mwas covered using St. Marys Paper Biosolids and hydroseed.

Investing in Additional Emission Controls

To address point source emissions, the next leading source of onsite particulate, Algoma has made several recent investments in baghouse technology on our No. 7 blast furnace and at our dekish facility.  These, in addition to existing emission control systems at our steelmaking and cokemaking facilities are extremely effective in capturing particulate matter.  The Company has further invested in emission control systems for the Ladle Metallurgy Furnace, a system upgrade for the steel shop hot metal transfer area, dekishing and a Lime Plant baghouse upgrade. Algoma currently operates nine baghouses and three wet scrubbers to capture point sources of particulate.

Targeting Fugitive Emissions

There are numerous other targeted initiatives currently underway to address particulate emissions including an aggressive coal dust management program which will reduce fugitive emissions by nearly 50%. This includes the application of specialized dust suppressants and the development and installation of a 80,000 m2 wind berm surrounding the coal piles to deflect wind from blowing over the piles and to reduce wind blown coal dust.